In Schools

"Do your part to silence gossip - Don't repeat it."

- Leslie Neilsen

social exclusion

Recent studies of peer exclusion have shed a light on the harmful effects of gossip and the way these behaviors impact students of any age. Those who are being talked about by peers may experience highly charged emotions, including those of betrayal, exclusion, and humiliation. And, the damage goes beyond the harm to one’s self esteem.

Those who are verbally or psychologically targeted by classmates may start attempting to avoid their classrooms or schools altogether. These actions, taken to spare themselves the pain of dealing with gossip and exclusion, ultimately affect their academics and future success in an adverse way, and can negatively impact the potential for an individual to grow into a happy, healthy, functioning member of society.

gossip manipulates students

The pain gossip can cause its victim is immeasurable. Those who are singled out as the focus of gossip often develop poor self images. This is especially true for girls.

Other studies have shown that the effects of bullying and gossip can be associated with loneliness, depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Gossip pits students against one another. It can fill a room with negative energy and damage the reputations of everyone involved. It is an invisible force that influences behavior in a detrimental way, and encourages students to dehumanize each other.

replacing gossip with kindness

Having empathy, a respect for differing views and perspectives, and the ability to manage one’s emotions in a positive way, can guide students toward future academic and professional success.

Students are more receptive to learning when kindness and tolerance are prevalent in a school’s culture. When a school community functions with reduced gossip and negativity, studies show the school functions better and students develop stronger social-emotional skills.

There is no doubt what kids hear and say shapes their world and the life they live. Negativity and gossip creates toxicity and division, and kind words create connection and peace. Studies show that kindness and positivity are contagious while creating a ripple effect. Ripples spreads outward, just as a pebble creates waves when dropped into a pond.

"We do not act 'rightly' because we are excellent - we achieve excellence by acting rightly." Plato

WordEffect has made it our mission to reduce the amount of gossip taking place in schools, on and off campus. Please visit for more information.

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