Our Services

In an effort to enhance the quality of our lives, restore a sense of oneness and connection in every realm of relationship, we provide informative, engaging and inspirational keynote presentations, seminars and webinars to inspire positive language, kindness and respect, while reducing the harmful gossip and negative language that is counterproductive to a healthy, safe environment and society.



general public

Reducing Gossip in the Workplace

Gossip is a common phenomenon at work. Virtually all employees find themselves producing, hearing or otherwise participating in evaluative and negative comments about someone who is not present in the conversation.

Researchers at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California have found significant dangers resulting from gossip and negative language in the workplace. Their findings include the erosion of an organization’s trust and morale, lost productivity through wasted time and negative attitudes, increased anxiety within a team when the truths of gossip are unclear, divisiveness within a team, hurt feelings and reputations, and the resulting heightened employee attrition rate due to an unhealthy work environment.

Is Workplace Gossip Undermining Morale and Productivity?

Gossip can cause an under-performing and counter-productive environment.

Our programs re-frame dialogue by focusing on the inner qualities that connect us, rather than the outer characteristics that differentiate us. Participants will realize that inclusion starts from within. Knowing that “the whole is only as strong as the sum of its parts,” we work with the premise that individuals are the building blocks of the organization and their relationships with themselves, each other, and the corporation’s mission and vision is the glue that bonds and strengthens it. For a business to flourish, all elements must be supported and maintained.

cultivate a happier, healthier workplace

All types of organizations - small and large - will benefit from WordEffect’s products and services. Committed to achieving maximum results, our mission is to create a new social and emotional architecture in the workplace that will inspire a positive and more unified corporate culture. We can help you combat workplace gossip and bias-based judgments, while assisting in arming your organization with various tools to reduce the negative language that is counter-productive to your bottom-line.

We are industry leaders on the topic of Gossip and The Power of Words, and provide our clients with pertinent information through convenient and effective 1 hour on-site presentations.

Advantages of in-house seminars include virtual elimination or reduction of employee travel costs, minimal disruption of employee's schedules, the ability to teach your team in a private seminar, and the opportunity to maximize your budget through lower overall training costs.

please contact us for more information!

Combatting Campus Gossip & Bullying

From grammar school to universities, gossip is running rampant and doing tremendous damage to our students and campus dynamics. Gossip is a form of verbal bullying and can be a serious problem in a students social life.

Studies show that peer maltreatment can wreak havoc on adjustment. Peer exclusion and malicious gossip shed light not only on the harmful impact of social snubs, but also how these behaviors change as students mature.

Exclusion can independently add to or increase the problems linked to social withdrawal. What's more, peer rejection is said to be one of the strongest predictors of a student's academic success and future stability.

"I hate when people get into my business and judge me before they talk to me and find out the real story." - Mitch, age 17

"People tell you not to not care about what others think, but we all do. It hurts when others are talking trash about you." - Lisa, age 20

"Sure, someone’s reputation gets ruined, but then gossip moves on to someone else." - Ana, age 14

These quotes are representative of what many young people feel and believe. The first was from a well-respected high school student. The second was from a woman who contemplated suicide due to alienation by classmates who were spreading rumors about her. The third? From a young girl justifying gossip after bullying a classmate she didn’t like.

Gossip gone bad can be devastating to its targets

Students today should not grow up believing that seemingly small acts of degradation are acceptable as long as they aren’t the target. This form of social aggression hurts the giver and the taker. Studies show that students being victimized by social aggression (including gossip) often feel an impact on their self-concept, self-esteem and self worth. Other studies show that victimization is associated with loneliness, depression, high anxiety - even suicide. Clearly, overlooking the severity of gossip can cause students to suffer both emotionally and academically.

what more can we be doing for our youth?

Emerging research suggests that Relational Bullying, though often the most frequently overlooked, may hold the key to helping change an aggressive culture in schools. It is vitally important to find ways to deal with gossip, divisive language and segregating judgments, and to challenge it where it lives. The key to minimizing gossip issues in schools is education and more awareness about the topic. Our e-course was created to capture the attention of students with educational and visual content that will help inspire and encourage them to be proactive in reducing gossip and increasing kindness.


By offering an engaging and informative series specifically relating to the harmful effects of gossip, students may find comfort in knowing they are not alone. They will be better equipped and empowered to manage gossip and challenging social situations. They will be mindful of the power of words and more likely to be kind. There is an ever-enlarging body of science that demonstrates that kindness and compassion have a profound effect on happiness and productivity. Implementing an SEL anti-gossiping program can improve the lives of your students and your school’s overall performance. Schools armed with the proper resources to help combat school gossip, and increase kindness, can experience:

  • Increased classroom attendance
  • A stronger sense of community and belonging
  • Increased academic engagement and enthusiasm
  • A more positive campus dynamic
  • A safer learning environment

So, are you ready to do something inspiring for your students and positively transform your campus?

please contact us, or visit www.wordeffectcourses.com to learn more about our high school program.

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the time is now to learn this powerful lesson

We need to stay positive and kind now more than ever. Gossip and negative speech are issues that have, and will, continue to affect us all. And, because every individual is still part of some kind of greater network -- be it within a family, the workplace, school, church or other relationship -- it’s crucial to learn to work together and show each other respect and kindness.

We cater to individuals who have been hurt by gossip or judgmental language & need tools to manage the aftermath, and those who are simply tired of the negativity that surrounds us and are motivated by the idea of creating a better world run on more positive kinder language.

the time is now

There is no better time to tap into the best version of ourselves. WordEffect’s Seminars, information and inspiration can provide empowering tools for those interested in learning how to be more mindful of words.

take the first step!

Many are unaware how problematic negative language and gossip can be until they're identified and defined. Learning about them is the first step in addressing a growing problem.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Mahatma Ghandhi

Change needs to begin with each of us. Who we become and how we change in our own lives is connected to how our relationships, communities and the world will change. To the extent we continue to evolve through eliminating gossip and judgment in our lives, we can make a commensurate difference in the lives of others.

Please join us in making a positive healthy difference! Together, we can make the world a better more unified place - one kinder word, one less judgment at a time...

Our on-site public events will resume in July 2025!