Are WORDS our most dangerous weapon?

Are WORDS our most dangerous weapon?
“Words are the most powerful weapon used by mankind."
Rudyard Kipling, 1923
We read and hear stories every day about violence and the damage people do to one another. Many stories are related to a shooting, an assault or an explosion. As a result, we tend to think that ‘weapons’ are guns, knives, an explosive or some sort of physical violence. But words, too, are powerful weapons that create a great deal of destruction in every realm of relationship and in peoples lives.
Yet, words also have the power to heal and unite us.
Words are not simply sounds caused by air passing through our larynx; words create our lives and our world, and influence others for better or worse. They are our most inexhaustible source of power with tremendous potential to either inflict serious injury or create healing.
When we use harsh and negative words, gossip about, judge or criticize others, we can create as much damage as an arrow or bullet ever could. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" couldn’t be farther from the truth.
In fact, Dr. Kip Williams from Purdue University said: "While both types of pain can hurt very much at the time they occur, social pain has the unique ability to come back over and over again, whereas physical pain lingers only as an awareness that it was indeed at one time painful.”
mindfulness makes a difference
Negative language and harmful gossip have become weapons of mass destruction and are clearly furthering the conflict and the divides among us. We are all feeling the impact and must strive for a better tomorrow where kinder words and less gossip prevail - where everyone is encouraged, uplifted and empowered.
To play a role in positive change, we need to be more mindful of our words and learn to undergo rigorous self-examination; we must take the time to consider our own thoughts, and from where our own words stem if we are going to understand who we are and how we can improve. We must be the change we want to see in the world.
The fulfilled life is one which is examined, where authenticity is real and where happiness is found. There is no better gauge as to what's going on inside of us - and others - than what comes out of our mouths. When we clean up our speech, we clean up our lives. A sense of control is embraced, self-respect is enhanced and respect from others is earned. Positive speech causes relationships to heal, people to come together and puts peace in the air!
- A harsh tongue is generally a reflection of an angry heart
- A negative tongue is generally a reflection of a fearful heart
- An overactive tongue is generally a reflection of an unsettled heart
- A boastful tongue is generally a reflection of an insecure heart
- A filthy tongue is generally a reflection of an impure heart
- A critical tongue is generally a reflection of a bitter heart
The everyday challenges of communication exist within all of us, especially now with so much conflict in the world; but may we all strive for hearts filled with compassion, kindness, humility, gratitude and peace so our words will reflect, promote and inspire the same. Words matter...
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